38320 River Park Dr, Sterling Heights, MI 48313

(586) 838-0935

38320 River Park Dr, Sterling Heights, MI 48313

(586) 838-0935

The Benefits of Hijama Therapy for Women’s Health

Hijama therapy can be particularly beneficial for women’s health. It treats menstrual problems, fertility issues, and menopausal symptoms. Hijama therapy can treat menstrual problems like heavy, irregular, and painful periods. It can aid in regulating one’s menstrual cycle, reduce cramping, and alleviate other common symptoms of menstruation.

Hijama therapy can treat fertility disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and infertility. Hijama may improve the quality and quantity of eggs, regulate hormones, and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Furthermore, hijama therapy can reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. It may also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other common menopause-related health issues.

Why do I need to fast at least 3 hours before hijama?

Fasting for at least three hours before hijama is highly recommended, as it ensures the body is in the optimal state for the therapy. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach is best.” This hadith highlights the significance of receiving hijama when your stomach is empty to maximize its benefits.

When you fast before hijama, your body can focus its energy on the therapeutic process rather than on digesting food. This allows for more effective removal of toxins and improved circulation. Additionally, fasting helps ensure that your body remains balanced during the procedure, reducing.

Furthermore, fasting helps mitigate any complications, especially if there are metaphysical concerns. Sometimes, individuals may experience nausea or dizziness during the session due to spiritual afflictions, and being on an empty stomach can reduce the severity of these symptoms. By fasting for a minimum of three hours, you give your body the best chance for a smooth and effective hijama session, allowing the therapy to work more efficiently.

How often should I get Hijama performed?

The frequency of hijama sessions depends on your specific health needs and goals. For general health maintenance, it is typically recommended to have Hijama performed every 3 months. If you’re targeting specific concerns or undergoing detoxification, it’s advised to wait at least 1 month between sessions, especially when focusing on the same points.

For chronic conditions, more frequent sessions may be necessary. It’s important to consult with your Hijama practitioner to tailor a schedule that suits your individual situation. In certain cases, therapeutic treatments may need to be scheduled according to specific phases of the lunar calendar.

Insha’Allah, by establishing a consistent routine, you can experience significant physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. However, always listen to your body and work in partnership with your practitioner to determine the best approach for your healing journey.